It’s taken 319 days, but I’ve got over 500 page likes at and I’m totally thankful to all of you. This project is for you. Here’s a bit of a background:
I started this project as a result of a hard drive failure in April of 2015 where I lost all my photography and design work from the previous 8 years. I decided to get back into the swing of things and start a 365 project to rebuild the portfolio.
At the same time, I was also teaching at SAIT and I felt that in order to have some professional credibility, I had better have some work to show that I’ve got the chops to stand in the front of the class room and instruct.
My inspiration for this project comes from an artist by the name of Joey Camacho (you can see his work at A few years back, Joey set out on a 365 project he called “Progress Before Perfection” where he set out to render a 3d abstract image and post it online. Many people who undertake and stick with 365 projects like these find that the push to continually create new work is transformational (I’m confident that Joey has). I’ve discovered my photography style through this project, and I’ve come to know a deeper meaning of community and culture from the hundreds of conversations I’ve had with residents and visitors.
I’ve been shy to include piles of hashtags to promote this project, because I don’t want it to be construed as a vanity piece, or that I’ve got an agenda to make an income off of it. I’m not looking for fame and fortune, I’m looking to tell the amazing stories of this truly remarkable part of the world.
Thank you all for your amazing support. Six and a half weeks to go.