“I’ve been an MLA for eleven years. I give all credit to Ralph Klein for getting me into politics–he fired me in 2002 for criticizing their party’s lack of action for climate change.
What do I like about this community? Hmm… I love our connectedness. There’s a lot of coming and going, and even so, there’s a lot of stability with our neighbours, despite all the new development, that gives us a sense of community that lacks in other areas. I can bike around from the office to where I meet people around the constituency. Take this office for example: we’re on a busy thoroughfare of 14th street, but we’re next door to the Calgary Mental Health Association and affordable housing.
My family lives near New Edinburgh park because our children attended the Waldorf School. We chose this place because the Waldorf Academy was teaching out of the Sunnyside School, that’s how we ended up here.
New Edinburgh park is a great asset to the city. In the summer time it’s full of kids playing. In the wintertime it’s flooded and frozen over for a skating rink. It’s so nice to have everything nearby: Prince’s Island, Eau Claire, the river, the cycle paths… It’s a lovely part of Calgary.” Dr. David Swann, third term MLA of Calgary Mountain View.