Today is the launch of #Sunnyside365! I’m Simultaneously excited and terrified!
I chose this day to launch this project for two reasons:
- First, it’s the Summer Solstice. I figured it would be a great milestone to measure this project by the equinox and solstices throughout the journey.
- Secondly, I wanted to profile some history of the Sunnyside/Hillhurst area of Calgary. However, the more I looked into the history of this community, the more I learned about the First Nations communities who used to call this place home. I thought that coinciding the launch of #Sunnyside365 with National Aboriginal Day was the best way I could honour the Treaty 7 Nations who relinquished claim to this area.
History has not been kind to Canada’s indigenous people. As a first generation Canadian of Armenian descent, I’m frequently reminded of the unhealing wound our people felt in the massacres, genocide and annexation of our homelands, of the Armenian Diaspora who were separated from their homes by war and politics. I can hardly imagine what it must be like to the Tsuu T’ina, Stoney/Nakoda, Kainai, Piikani, Siksika people who became lower than secondary citizens when the Homesteaders arrived.
I’d like to dedicate this project to Canada’s Aboriginal people.